Bahá'ís of the Columbia Gorge

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Bahá'ís of the Columbia Gorge

"Love everybody; serve everybody." -'Abdu'l-Bahá

Local Bahá'í News

Baseless and Unjust Imprisonment of Baha'i Dignitary in Qatar on Dec. 23, 2024

The Baha’i International Community is appalled at the baseless and unjust imprisonment of senior #Baha’i dignitary Remy Rowhani at the airport in #Qatar this morning. Remy Rowhani is a respected Qatari citizen and chairperson of the Assembly of the Baha'is of Qatar who served his country with distinction for decades—most recently as Director of the International Chamber of Commerce’s MENA regional office  @ICC_Qatar   @iccwbo .  In April 2021, a Qatari court framed Mr. Rowhani in a prejudicial case judged in absentia. The ruling was confirmed in May 2022 by an appeals court.

Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment in the Columbia Gorge

Community members in the Gorge are endevouring to bring out the best qualities and talents of middle-school age youth in service to their communities. Called the junior youth spiritual empowerment program, it consists of a small group of friends, usually some 10 to 20 members in a neighborhood or school, who come together once a week to study materials that help the group to identify and develop the attitudes and skills people need in order to to serve their communities in a meaningful way.

Windstock: 20 years of a Bahá'í youth retreat in the Gorge

The 20th annual Windstock youth retreat has now come and gone. Held every year in the hills above Lyle, the somewhat informal event draws Bahá'í youth and their friends from around the region. Over 90 youth showed up for this Windstock, around three quarters of whom were Bahá'ís. This year also saw a large group of new attendees, with about one third of the youth participating for the first time.

Bahá'í month of Fasting begins

For the next 19 days, your Bahá'í friends may not be joining you for lunch. Between the 2nd and the 20th of March, Bahá'ís in the Gorge and around the world will be fasting, neither eating nor drinking between sunrise and sunset each day.


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